Geez, I feel her. Deep blue is like you know people who care about you are there for you, but couldn’t find a reason to live. It’s like eating your freaking comfort food and cry in silence. It’s like you acknowledge what you are suffering from is a rather vulgar and ordinary infatuation. Yet you are incapable to return to your sanity.
是一部广告里插播剧情(植入软广真是不要太多哈)的剧原子弹也是一部恋爱脑的妈妈给恋爱脑开门恋爱脑到家了的剧拍得什么玩意尴尬得要死尤其女二人设仿佛有恋丑癖一样她的攻略对象(凌文龙除外)一个个都是什么歪瓜裂枣啊my eyes my eyes真的会谢看了6集出家的想法都有了